Monday, 16 March 2009

Lecture 6. - 11th March - Time-based Art, Guerilla Art and Wearable Technologies.

In this lecture we spoke about different types of Time-Based Art, Guerilla Art and Wearable Technologies. we looked at examples of these and the body is related to theses fields in art. I was interested to find that Andy Goldsworthys work was time based, I really like his work, as its natural and ephemeral. I have been to see some photographs of his work before, and I've always found it interesting. I also found that time based art is not a new thing and that artists have been creating it for many years, like Muybridge who created multiple photographs depicting movement back in 1887. We also looked at Blast Theory which relates to all three of these themes, it involves playing a game, making a statement and people actually wearing the technology that allows you to play the game, it involves a group of people wearing a GPS system which tracks their movement around a city. You play the game on your computer, watching your chosen player move around the city while it looks for other players. We also looked at Guerilla Art (Activist Art/Political Art/Street Art) I liked how there were different forms of this Art theme, in contrast, Banksy with his graffiti art and Barbera Kruger with her Graphics, which reflect on Advertising and Commercialisation.
Other types of this art work may include :
To hack into a popular website and change certain things.
Library Books (to leave things in there)
Spray Paint/Stencil
Chalk Pavement
Fly Posters
T-Shirt Giveaway
Then we looked at Post-Modernism and how artists take something from the past and change it to become modern, taking something and giving it a new meaning. Art is for everyone, the wider audience and that its accesible to everyone. We then looked at Wearable technologies and how technology is moving forward rapidly, and we will soon be wearing computers into the fabric we wear and how there are 3 stages of technology. Ubiquitous Computing, which is the 3rd stage which means the calm stage of technology, where the technology receeds into the background of our lives and is not a massive part of our lives.
I'm not sure how these different Art form influence my work as such, but they do open my eyes to the different types of Art around and how I could take elements of these artists work and make it my own.

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